

Address:  contrada Pileci 18 - 98063 Gioiosa Marea (ME) - Italy

+39 324 0807050

CIR: 19083033C220220

In less than half an hour you can reach:


At the base of Tindari cape there is a sandy area with many small water ponds.

Today it's a nature reserve: walking along the ponds you can observe birds nesting on the rocks

The coast below Casa Gioiosa features both beaches and rocky areas with uncrowded small beaches. The sea is turquoise and transparent all along the coast.

Overlooking the sea between Gioiosa Marea and Patti, it is the point of the Sicilian coast closest to the Aeolian Islands. It still preserves a stretch of the Via Consolare Pompea, today a nature trail.


Gioiosa Guardia, the old Gioiosa, is a ghost town on the top of Mount Meliuso (750m). From up there the view extends from the Aeolian Islands to Mount Etna: in the evening wonderful sunset over the sea.

Myth, sea, archeology and ancient legends: all this is Tindari. It is located at 268 m, overlooking the sea. From the sanctuary you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Marinello lakes

A little further away, in one day you can visit:


Located where the peninsula of the same name begins, it has Greek and Roman remains, ancient churches and a castle. At the tip of the peninsula, where the sea water is crystal clear, a nice half an hour walk leads to the so-called "Venus pool".

Delightful medieval village, of great artistic, cultural and historical importance, with ancient houses facing the sea and dominated by the cathedral, at the foot of a rocky promontory.

Located half way to Palermo

Seven islands, heritage of Unesco, with two active volcanoes.

Their environment is harsh and wild, with black beaches, caves, sea stacks and beautiful sea beds. Fascinating and unmissable, they can be reached by ferry or hydrofoil from Milazzo.


It is the largest volcano in Europe and one of the most active in the world.
With its craters, ashes, lava flows, caves and the depression of the Valle del Bove it is a unique natural environment.

This village is known for handicraft production of decorated and colorful Sicilian ceramics, of which today it is, together with Caltagirone, the largest producer on the island.

Tourist spot known all over the world for its beautiful coast, Greek theater and other historical monuments.

Located between Messina and Catania, sits on a rocky terrace with Mount Etna in the background.